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Beauty Essentials

Apr 11, 2022

1) Sunscreen

For day-to-day use, pick a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. If you spend time outdoors, choose a product with SPF 60 or greater.

Here are the top five reasons why applying sunscreen should be a daily habit year-round:

It Protects Your Skin from UV Rays: The depletion of the ozone layer has increased our risk of sun damage from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen blocks these rays, greatly reducing the likelihood of sunburn. Look for products like those from Goddess Garden with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 15 (some doctors recommend nothing below 30), and use each and every day. For full-body coverage, you’ll want to apply about an ounce.

It Prevents Premature Aging of the Skin: Sun damage from UV rays causes photoaging of the skin, which is characterized by a thick, leathery look; discolouration; and a breakdown of collagen, which contributes to lines, sagging and wrinkles.

It Helps Maintain an Even Skin Tone: Sunscreen helps prevent discolouration and dark spots from sun damage, helping you maintain a smoother and more even skin tone.

Lipstick is surely a go-to makeup, whether it is a quick fix or for a much detailed party look. It is the most important makeup that instantly changes the face from looking drab to diva and also has some skin benefits.

Wearing lipstick can complete your look, whether it is about looking more credible in a professional setting or sexier for a date night.

Women who wear lipstick feel more confident and powerful. As a matter of fact, they are usually perceived by others as being more attractive, and in control.

Lipstick if chosen correctly can enhance your complexion. First, it is important to understand your skin undertone, whether it’s cool or warm or neutral.

3) Mascara
A quick swipe of mascara instantly opens up your eyes and makes you look more rested for even the earliest morning. Pick a waterproof formula to keep it in place all day and night. Mascara has a number of beauty benefits. It instantly adds thickness, length, and a darker colour to the lashes, which draws attention to the eyes and creates definition.


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